A Detachment North

A Detachment North is composed of 38 commissioned and seven administrative support personnel assigned to posts located in Soldotna, Anchor Point, and Seward. In addition, there are six Court Services Officers, an office assistant, and trooper sergeant with the Kenai Judicial Services Unit, as well as one CSO in Homer. The two JS units serve the Kenai and Homer courts. The detachment also employs eight of the 18 dispatchers who work at the Soldotna Public Safety Communications Center, the Kenai Peninsula Borough’s combined services dispatch center. One administrative clerk position is also assigned to the dispatch center. There are a total of 62 personnel positions within A Detachment North. There were an estimated 59,735 people living in the 21,701 square miles of land within detachment boundaries. Not counting the captain and lieutenant that make up the command staff and the sergeant working at the courthouse, there were 35 troopers to serve the estimated 40,044 people that relied on Alaska State Troopers as their primary provider of public safety. That averages to one trooper for every 1,144 residents.
A Detachment South

A Detachment South is comprised of 13 commissioned troopers and nine administrative support personnel assigned to posts located in Ketchikan, Juneau, Craig. In addition, there are four Court Services Officers and two administrative support personnel with the Judicial Services units serving the Ketchikan and Juneau Courthouses. The total number of personnel within A Detachment South is 28 – seven of which are dispatchers that staff the only 24-hour DPS dispatch center in the region, which also serves the region surrounding Dillingham during non-business hours. The detachment has 5 of the 9 assigned Village Public Safety Officer positions in the region staffed. VPSO positions are located in Thorne Bay, Angoon, Kassan, Saxman, and Kake. There were an estimated 74,395 people living in the more than 36,000 square miles of land within detachment boundaries in 2016. Not counting the captain and lieutenant that make up the command staff, there are 13 troopers to serve the estimated 10,149 people that rely on Alaska State Troopers as their primary provider of public safety. That is an average of one trooper for every 725 residents.