D Detachment

At 100 employees, D Detachment was the largest detachment in terms of the overall number of commissioned and civilian personnel in 2016. It was also home to the largest of two DPS owned and operated emergency dispatch centers. D Detachment also provides dispatch services not only for D Detachment but parts of C Detachment and the Aleutian Islands. D Detachment was comprised of 62 commissioned troopers (11 vacant), 10 Court Services Officers (3 vacant) , 18 civilian radio dispatchers (3 vacant), and 16 administrative support personnel assigned to posts located in Fairbanks, Delta Junction, Tok, Northway, Nenana, Healy, Cantwell, and Galena (1 vacant).
Approximately half of the detachment’s personnel were located in Fairbanks. This includes the 31-member uniformed patrol unit; a sergeant and three troopers assigned to a special projects unit to handle major property crime investigations, traffic fatalities and training; a sergeant and four troopers with the Fairbanks Rural Service Unit assigned to support rural communities outside of Fairbanks but within the detachment’s boundaries; and an AST sergeant and trooper with the Judicial Services Unit designated to transport prisoners between the Fairbanks courthouse and the Fairbanks Correctional Center. A major crimes unit is staffed by a Sergeant and 3 investigators (1vacant) and a Sexual Assault unit consisting of a Sergeant and 2 investigators (1 vacant) handle sexual assault and crimes against children. The other half of the detachment personnel were located in small posts located in Galena and along the Parks, Richardson, and Alaska Highways. The outposts ranged in size from the smallest in Northway with one trooper, to the largest in Delta Junction with one sergeant, four troopers, and one administrative assistant. There are an estimated 114,267 people living in the 163,700 square miles of land within detachment boundaries. D Detachment also served as the primary or secondary source of law enforcement for over 30 villages located in Interior Alaska. The Fairbanks-based Rural Service Unit supports the Village Public Safety Officers in the region and responds to calls for police services and search and rescue support in Interior Alaska. D Detachment currently has 6 VPSO’s working within its boundaries. The detachment utilizes a Fairbanks-based trooper pilot, Airbus AStar helicopter, Cessna 206 aircraft, Cessna 208 (rebuild in process) are assigned to support the VPSO program, Search and Rescue as well as rural villages.

D Detachment partnered with several out of state law enforcement partners during 2016. D Detachment reached out to and partnered Project Lifesaver. This program utilizes transmitters to help locate autistic, special needs and Alzheimer’s patients. This programs transmitters and other equipment has been purchased through community donations and partnerships. D Detachment partnered with the Public Safety Employees Association and the California Highway Patrol to implement the Impact Teen Driving Program to educate teens, adults and pre-teens about the dangers of distracted driving. The program materials were purchased by the Fairbanks Rotary Club, Allstate Insurance, and the Alaska Peace Officers Association.