Division of Alaska State Troopers
The mission of the Division of Alaska State Troopers is to preserve the peace, enforce the law, prevent and detect crime, and protect life and property.
The Division is comprised of posts assigned to four geographic detachments that provide patrol, enforcement, and search and rescue to all areas of the state and a central headquarters. The Division's major components are: Alaska Bureau of Investigation investigates major crimes and enforces bootlegging and illegal drug distribution throughout Alaska; Judicial Services is responsible for prisoner transports and providing security for Alaska courts; and the Alaska Bureau of Highway Patrol keeps Alaska's highways safe by their presence on state roadways and through public education campaigns.
The Alaska State Troopers' eight core missions in meeting these responsibilities are:
- Maintain public peace and order.
- Enforce criminal laws and investigate violations of those laws.
- Enforce traffic laws and regulations and investigate violations of those laws and regulations.
- Conduct and manage search and rescue operations.
- Support and assist other law enforcement and governmental agencies.
- Investigate allegations of human abuse or neglect.
- Respond to the concerns and inquiries of citizens.
- Provide current and relevant training to law enforcement and criminal justice agencies.
For a career that's anything but ordinary...
