The following is a greeting given in one of the 20 indigenous languages recognized by the State of Alaska.

Ade’ ndadz dengit’a?
(Deg Xinag)
"Hello, how are you?"
AST > ABI > Missing Person > MPBulletin

Active Missing Persons Bulletins

Missing Persons Bulletins are created at the request of an assigned law enforcement agency if it is determined by the agency that a bulletin dissemination would allow the general public to realistically assist in locating an individual or determining what lead to their disappearance. If a person went missing due to a tragic incident, such as a boat sinking, plane crashes or perhaps an avalanche, a bulletin likely would not be generated.    

Group Missing Persons Bulletins

  Unidentified Persons Inlcude
​​Doe, EklutnaAnnie, and Eklutna Annie 2020 found at the botton of the list.

Royalty Adame

Dervish Adili

Hailey Aerni

Albert Agathluk

Mary Alexie

David Allen

Gary Allison

Cora Andersen

William Arnold

Earl Ashworth

Curtis Ayuluk

Christopher Baisley

Joseph Balderas

Roy Banhart

Eric Bealer

Pamela Bealer

Richard Bennett

Sandra Bennett

Skyler Bentley

Fredrick Bock

Damon Bonds

David Borer

Thomas Brabazon

Brad Broach

Jeri Brommels

Sharon Buis

James Burk

Nathan Campbell

Merrian Carver

Chad Chadwick

Frances Charles

Charlis Chocknok

Raymond Clark

Kelly Coopchiak

Michael Crawford

Keith Creager

Sandra Davis

Matthew Dean

Willis Derendoff

Sabine Duellmann

Kelly Dunn

Wallace Dunn

Martin Ebona, III

Megan Emerick

Brian Erickson

Karen Evan

Stella Evon

Amy Fandel

Scott Fandel

Darryl Fawcett

Joseph Fiala

Gary Fisk

Valeriano Flores-Mata

Douglas Foster

Layla Gallegos

Peter Germain

Joseph Giamanco

Erin Gilbert

Lorraine Ginnis

Marion Gonangnan

Lael Grant

Gust Griechen

Richard Griffis

Asia Gross

Neal Gutleben

Alexandria Hall

Jael Hamblen

Alfred Hamilton

Dalton Hanson

Steven Harbaugh

Walter Hawk

Marshall Haworth

Brian Helmuth

Loreese Hennagin

Jonathon Henry

Archie Henry

Arthur Hill

Anthony Howard

Mitchell Howard

Donald Hussen

James Hutchison

Pavel Ivanov

Ronald Jeralds

Tom John

Frank Johnston

Kristopher Kelly

Robert Kelly

Samantha Kent

Bradley Kephart

Blake Kepley

Avi Keys

Alfaz Khan

Keegan Kirsch

David Klein

Alfred Kochendorfer

Vladimir Kostenko

Jedidiah Kowchee

Leonard Lane

Michael Lemaitre

Jackie Letney

Benjamin Lopez

Witold Lukanus

Kevin Maclin

Marjorie Maldonado

Rachel Mallard

Robert Mark

Sheila McBroom

John McClelland

Scott McDonald

Maryellen McMillin

Frank Minano

Kevin Mitchell

Victor Moreno

Samuel Moses

Edward Neeley

Hiroko Nemoto

Alexie Nose

Thomas Nuzzi

Florence Okpealuk

Shanna Oman

Thomas Ooka

Michael Palmer

Kale Pastel

William Peacock

Magdalena Perez

Brandon Peterson

Brandon Phillips

Curtis Plagge

Thomas Saccheaus

Doren Sanford

Thomas Seibold

Michael Sharp

Valerie Sifsof

Reginald Skeek

Gregory Smith

Kristin Snyder

Reuben Speckels

John Squires

Cynthia St.John

Keith Stompro

Virgil Tackett

Robert Thompson

Hieu Tran

Shane VanOrden

Robin Vansickel

Tracie Vicent

Dean Vroman

Laroy Warner

Laveysha Warner

Jondalar Washington

Bernice Waska

Elizabeth Wassillie

Wilson Wassillie

Roy Watson

Curtiss Weller

Jonnie White

Michael Williams

Mary Wilson

Katherine Winslow

John Wipert



Eklutna Annie 2020