The following is a greeting given in one of the 20 indigenous languages recognized by the State of Alaska.

Ade’ ndadz dengit’a?
(Deg Xinag)
"Hello, how are you?"
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Alaska Police Standards Council

Celebrating 50 years of service, 1972 - 2022



To produce and maintain a highly trained and positively motivated professional, capable of meeting contemporary law enforcement standards of performance.


                                                  A - Accountability 
                                                  P - Professionalism 
                                                  S - Service 
​                                                  C - Character

Core Services:

  • Determine certification eligibility for all police, probation/parole, and correctional officers and issue appropriate level of certificate to qualified officers.
  • In cases of misconduct by a certified officer, make a determination whether certification should be revoked.
  • Monitor compliance with current regulations and legislation.
  • Develop, monitor, and revise law enforcement training and training requirements.
  • Assist academies and departments with funding for academy training.
  • Fund specialized and advanced training for departments.
  • Provide smaller agencies across Alaska with assistance in obtaining pre-employment polygraph and psychological testing for officers.