CDVSA > Grantee Support > Database Support

VELA Support


For assistance with VELA issues contact VELA Direct Support Team or CDVSA's Research Analyst at (907) 465-1161.

CDVSA Data CollectionCDVSA Reporter Tool User Guide

Q: What database version are we supposed to be on?
A: As of August 2018, CDVSA Programs should be running Version 6 of the CDVSA Microsoft Access Database program. If you need the latest version installed and/or need any type of assistance, email the CDVSA's Research Analyst at (907)465-1161.

Q: How does data reporting work from programs to CDVSA?
A: When yearly, quarterly, or other reports are needed, the CDVSA’s Research Analyst will email a request for that report, including instructions for how to complete the request. Anyone who has patience and can operate a mouse should be able to follow the long version of the instructions, though they may need assistance over the phone. In order for the report to be accurate, the database will need to have had all of its data entered for the time period covered by the report. Reports will never be requested that require data that is less than a month old.

Q: What causes the reports in the database program to generate what appear to be incorrect results?
A: Three different reasons are possible:

  • Something is wrong with the underlying data. Looking at the Quality Control Queries, accessible from the main screen, may enable you to diagnose problems with missing or incorrect data. The Services Provided Report, from the Reporting Menu may also help.
  • The report may be correct, but may be counting the data differently from how you expect. For example, the report for the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act grant (FVPSA) only counts participants who received services during the reporting period, who never received services from your program before the reporting period.
  • A report has an error in its construction. If you are confident that the data you entered is correct, and that a report is not representing this data correctly, then there may me an error in how the report was made. Building reports is complex, and mistakes happen. Please contact the research analyst if you suspect an error in a report, so that the research analyst can fix it in the next version of the database. Thank you!

Q: Should I be making backups of the database? When? How?
A: Yes. It is best to make an “off computer” backup of the back end of the database at the minimum quarterly. Please ask the research analyst for help with this process, as, if it is not done correctly, it can result in catastrophic data loss. The backups contains highly sensitive information, and must be clearly identified and kept in a very secure location, or they may be kept on a secure USB key (with buttons for a password). Contact the Research Analyst by phone or email if you have any questions or would like assistance.

Q: How should I record a certain incident or service?
A: If you have questions about how to keep track of data on your forms, the first place to look is the Guide to Victim Service Forms above. If you are still unsure, then please feel free to contact the CDVSA’s Research Analyst, at (907)465-1161, with your questions.

Do you have any suggestion about what should be listed here? Contact CDVSA at
