Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Training
Tuesday, November 19 - Friday, November 22 2024
Location TBD
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Training is an advanced 4-day course which offers an in-depth and multi-disciplinary approach to statewide sexual assault response, sponsored by the Alaska Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in partnership with the Alaska State Troopers, State of Alaska Department of Law,
the Alaska Nurses Association, the Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, and the Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center.
Who is eligible to attend this training?
Eligibility for this training is limited to the following:
Members of active SART Teams (victim advocates, nurses/forensic examiners, law enforcement, prosecutors and paralegals), including those without a full team in their community but who respond to sexual assault reports and coordinate with teams in other communities to provide a full continuum of care to victims.
Where will this training take place?
This training will take place in a location to be determined. There is no registration fee and CDVSA will cover travel and lodging costs for accepted applicants traveling from greater than 50 miles from the training site. Per diem is not covered by CDVSA. After being accepted into the training, participants will be informed about how to arrange travel and lodging in order to have those costs covered. Please await instructions on booking travel/lodging.
When is the training?
November 19-22, 2024. Training will begin at 8:00 am and end at 5:00 pm each day, with lunch and breaks scheduled. Attending the 4 full days of training is mandatory as well as completing one on-line training segment prior to the start of in-person training (approx. 1 hour).
To apply to attend, please click here
The application period will be open until DATE TBD.
For questions, please contact Katie TePas, AST at, (907) 538-4845 or Meredith McDaniel-Stroh, AST at, (907) 444-2850
AaNA is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Montana Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Aana and (APSC) Alaska Police Standards Council credits are offered with full participation.
Funding for this training is provided by Grant number VAWA 15JOVW-21-GG-00546-STOP, awarded to the Alaska Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice.