Resources - Alaska Victimization Survey
The Alaska Victimization Survey
On October 6, CDVSA and the UAA Justice Center released the results of the 2020 Alaska Victimization Survey (link to media release attached). The AVS is a quinquennial survey conducted three times in, 2010, 2015 and 2020. To review the results of the 2020 Survey, as well as previous surveys go to Alaska Victimization Survey (AVS) | Justice Center | University of Alaska Anchorage. A copy of the AVS 2020 final report is available at 2020 Statewide Alaska Victimization Survey Final Report.

The Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA) is excited to announce, during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a new interactive tool providing easier access to data related to intimate partner and domestic violence—the Intimate Partner Violence-Interactive Data Dashboard (IPV-IDD).
The IPV-IDD combined data from the Alaska Victimization Survey (AVS), conducted statewide in 2010 and 2015, with regional surveys in the intervening years. The AVS is primarily designed to provide estimates of both lifetime and past-year intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization for non-institutionalized, English-speaking adult women residing in Alaska. The AVS is a unique survey of Alaska women across the state, obtaining first person responses related to experienced domestic and sexual violence. The Alaska Victimization Survey, modeled after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, is conducted in Alaska every five years. The UAA Justice Center and CDVSA are currently conducting the 2020 survey. After data from the 2020 AVS is collected and analyzed it will be added to the IPV-IDD.